A content management system for managing our buymax app. Development still in progress
Technologies : Next.jsTailwindcssTypeScriptShadcn-uiZodZustandreact-hook-form
A blog for all developers. You can create your account, and start publishing your articles right away. Articles update in real-time and therefore there is no frustration of continually deploying your site once you finish writing a new article.
Technologies : React.jsBootstrapTypeScriptReact-BootsrapexpressmongoosenodemailerNodeJSMongoDBRedux
Thread Website
This is a Thread-App. It incorporates many features such as clerk authentication, creating thread, viewing thread, commenting on thread, deleting thread, creating organization, joining organization, create organization thread and many more
Technologies : Next.jsTailwindTypescriptClerk-authWebhookMongooseExpressZod
Aliexpress Clone
This is ecommerce website. It can register and login user, add items to cart, delete item from cart, and admin page for managing user and product.
Technologies : React.jsSCSSExternal API